Monday, April 4, 2011

Just Before the Garden...

So here are photos of my yard now. I'm going to try to document the entire transformation because I have great visions for this garden and it's a huge process and to see it only "after" will not illustrate all that goes in. First, though, I have to say that I'm a bit sad without the overgrown jungle of lush weeds that had to go to make way for all that we're going to build here. I know all too well that in a matter of a couple weeks it would have begun to turn brown and fall down and become even more depressing than the removal of the jungle but there's nothing like greenery to lift your spirits. And sadly I don't have a very good photo at hand of what it looks like at the height of its wild beauty. With that, here is "before" (a touch late as the trees are already in) and photos of the new fruit trees.

These photos also reminded me that I have yet to figure out how to adjust the aperture on my camera, the  one bit of instruction for this that I found so far I don't seem to be doing right. It's a bit frustrating to use a machine that will only allow you so much freedom, allowing you one set of options while removing others. 
I must remind myself today that while this phase looks a little bleak it is gold. It is the raw foundation for something lush and bountiful. This is the theme I see in my life right now. It is both golden and bleak. I have just gotten the information and application to enroll in an apprenticeship program but still need to find a salon to hire me. I have two very busy years of hard work ahead of me and I'm both eager to get started, as I know that once I begin it will pass very quickly. And reluctant to give up this brief period of freedom, the likes of which I've not experienced since I was a teenager. Sigh. This too shall pass.

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