Monday, June 20, 2011

I'm not even going to go into the actual planets because I haven't paid enough attention to EXACTLY what the situation is of late but I love that I seem still to be dead on or a bit ahead of the astro weather. We're doing a snake thing right now (and yes, I was ahead and dead on even in posting my snake photo for the full moon) meaning serious transformation and healing. (Which means I also get to post another of these gorgeous snake photos.) What I didn't know was that all of this is the process needed in preparation for the final eclipse on July 1st -radical transformation and rebirth. Ugh. I feel that it's going to be quite a couple weeks coming on. Is it never ending? Was I such a mess? I feel like I have already been a hundred people in just the last five years. But at least there is the surprise to look forward to, who will I be next? Personally, despite the absolute hell I have to process to get there, the unveiling is always miraculously magical and beautiful -whoever I get to become next. And always seems, in the becoming moment, effortless.

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