Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Last night I was up 'til the wee hours looking at the fashion blogs of teenage girls. You all know already how much I adore Tavi of style rookie (something on her blog about a new website but I can't find it?!) and last night I came across a short interview with her from Teen Vogue in which she tells some of the other fashion blogs she likes which, of course, I had to immediately search, skim and bookmark. As a tribute, or something, I felt inclined to post a photo of what I'm wearing today. You all may also remember that I am currently unemployed and looking for a new job. While I have recently decided that looking for a new job is THE most tedious job one can have, the upside to this is that you can wear whatever you want to work. I'm not one to sit around in my jama's all day -perhaps mainly because I don't have any jama's at the moment that I find particularly cute enough to spend extra time in. But I do love clothes and one of the things that can happen when you have a real, grown up job is that you don't get to dress quite the way you want very often. Must be presentable! Professional! And unless you want to get a lot of comments and funky looks from your (ok, probably just 'my') boss, you might want to tone down quite how much of your personality you wear to work. Isn't that sad? Yes, it was for me and over time dressing for work became quite dull and sometimes anxiety producing even. 
So, one of the few and small celebratory things that I can do for myself these days is to wear whatever I freakin' want. It doesn't have to be much of a big deal but certainly today's outfit has no place in my old office. And here it is.....

 Two views because I couldn't decide. Both are theatrical reenactments of me taking a break from sending out resumes and reading ads, posed in my bitty little 'office' spot under the stairs (until I move to my dream house with a 'writer's shack' named for a city). Outfit consists of (this is a very important part of the teen fashion blog protocol) ballet tights, over the knee socks, slouchy suede ankle boots, a lattice knit sweater skirt, a thermal top with small owls on it which you cannot see at all, a grey t-shirt with an octopus on it which you can barely see, and a darker grey hoodie which must be held together by safety pin as my puppy kindly removed the zipper pull for me.
This is also a sort of nod to Uranus and Jupiter in Aries. I read today that Jupiter is currently altering, somehow (not entirely clear on this), wherever you have Aries -for me: communication, expression and some other stuff that's currently slipped my mind. The instructions were to go ahead and play with it while it lasts as soon it will ALL CHANGE due to Uranus. As I can't see the future and know what this means for me..... major changes in the way I speak and write? The way I dress? A bunch of other unforseeable stuff? (For sure!) I'll just go with the flow today and afford myself a little entertainment this way to break the monotonous, time swallowing intensity of writing a thousand unique cover letters to people who (please!) I am asking for work. Wish me luck everyone and stay tuned to witness my dramatic transformation.

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